Saturday, November 16, 2019


We just learned about the art pattern of Xicalcoliuhqui.

Another ancient Mesoamerican work of art is the Chacmool.

These are sculptures of warriors on their backs, propped up on their elbows with their knees bent and their head turned.
They have a bowl on their stomach, and many people believe these were used to offer sacrifices to mythological gods for fallen warriors.

(from: wikipedia - chacmool)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Six Patriarchs of Hossō - Kōkei

Friday, November 15, 2019

Russian - Please, You're Welcome

Remember that to say thank you in Russian, you say Спасибо (Spasibo).

To say please in Russian is пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) - Sounds like pah-zha-lih-stah. - 文A
The "zha" sound is like the sound the "s" makes in the word "vision".

And to say you're welcome, you say the exact same word! пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) - Sounds like pah-zha-lih-stah. - 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Vær så snill, Værsågod

Greek: Παρακαλώ (Parakaló)

ASL: Please, You're Welcome

German: bitte, bitte schön

Spanish: Por favor, de nada

French: s'il vous plait, de rien

Thursday, November 14, 2019


We just learned about the Valve Body.

Another part of a valve is the Bonnet.

This is on top of the valve body, covering up the inside of it.
The bonnet can be taken off the top to open up the valve and fix it.

(from: wikipedia - valve)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Congreve Rockets

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nerve Net

We just learned about the Jellyfish Stomach.

Another part of a jellyfish's body is the Nerve Net.

In humans, our nervous system is our brain which is in charge of the rest of our body, and then our spinal cord and nerves that sends messages back and forth to the brain.

In most jellyfish, they have a nerve net which is kind of like the nerves we have all over, but without the spinal cord or a brain.

The nerves are all hooked together, and if a jellyfish senses something near by the nerve net can send messages all over it's body for the whole jellyfish to swim or try to pull in it's oral arms.
But it doesn't really have any thinking to it, it is just a very quick and simple reaction to a feeling.

It's kind of like if you touch something really hot, your hand very quickly pulls away without really thinking about it.
But if you were like a jellyfish, then your hand would touch something hot but your whole body would pull away, arms, legs and all!

(from: wikipedia - nerve net)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Cephalopod - Arms and Tentacles

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


We just learned about the Choroid.

Another part of the human eye is the Uvea, also called the vascular tunic.

This is the name for the group of three parts of the eye that we've already learned about: Iris, Ciliary Body, and Choroid.

(from: wikipedia - uvea)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tooth - Cap Stage

Monday, November 11, 2019

Half Tower

We just learned about the Caltrop spikes in the ground.

Another type of fortification is a Half Tower.

This is a tower in a castle that is open in the back or on the sides.
It is usually open to the inside of the castle so that people can get in and out easily, but still be protected from the outside.

(from: wikipedia - half tower)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Mortizburg Castle

Sunday, November 10, 2019


We just learned about the Baptism of Clovis I.

Another part of early Christianity is the Pentarchy.

We've already learned that the head of the big churches were called Bishops, and that the Bishop of the church in Rome is called the Pope.

In the old days there were 5 churches in the Roman empire that were seen as the most important:

Rome - in what is now Italy
Constantinople - in what is now Turkey, and renamed Istanbul
Alexandria - in what is now Egypt
Antioch - in what is now Turkey, renamed Antakya
Jerusalem - in what is now Israel

There were other churches, but the leaders of these churches were put in charge, so if there as disagreement between all of the many churches around these leaders would decide what to do.

It was the start of the churches really getting organized and turning into a really big group instead of a bunch of small churches spread around that argued with each other.

(from: wikipedia - pentarchy)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Christianity after Jesus