Remember that to say please, you're welcome in Arabic, you say هل تتحدث العربية؟ (hal tatahadath alearabiatu) or (hal tatahadathina alearabiatu) for girls.
To ask if someone speaks Arabic, you say:
هل تتحدث العربية؟ (hal tatahadath alearabiatu) or (hal tatahadathina alearabiatu) 文A
To say yes you would say हنعم (naeam) 文A
or to say no you would say لا (la) 文A

(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)
Hindi: क्या आप हिंदी बोलते हैं?
Swahili: Unazungumza kiswahili?
Russian: Ты говоришь по-русски? (Ty govorish' po russki), Вы говорите по русски (Vy govorishtay po russki)
Norwegian: Kan du norsk?
Greek: Μιλατε ελληνικα? (Milate ellinika?)
ASL: Do you speak ASL?
Italian: Parli italiano?
German: Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Spanish: ¿Hablas español?
French: parlez-vous français?