Saturday, April 30, 2016

Ka Statue of Hor

We just learned about the Pendant of Osorkon II.

Another ancient Egyptian sculpture is the Ka Statue of Hor.

The pharaohs of Egypt were very powerful, and had many statues made of them.
When they died people made large statues to be buried with them in their tombs.

One type of sculpture in the tomb was called a Ka statue, and it was meant to hold the spirit of the dead pharaoh.
In the ancient Egyptian picture language called hieroglyphics, the arms on the pharaoh's head in the shape of a U, was the symbol for Ka.

(from: wikipedia - ka statue)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Statue of Liberty - Bartholdi

Italian - His face is rough

We just learned in Italian her hands are soft is Le sue mani sono morbide.

To say his face is rough you would say il suo volto è ruvida.
We can break it up into four words:
His - il suo - sounds like eel soo-oh /?/
face - volto - sounds like voh-l-toh /?/
is - è - Sounds like ay /?/
rough - ruvida - Sounds like roo-vee-dah /?/

So all together il suo volto è ruvida sounds like eel soo-oh voh-l-toh ay roo-vee-dah.

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

In German:
Sein Gesicht ist rau.

In Spanish:
Su cara es áspera

In French:
Son visage est rude.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Category 3 Hurricane

We just learned about a Category 2 Hurricane.

The next level of damage on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is the Category 3 Hurricane - Devastating damage will occur.

These hurricanes have wind speeds between 111 and 129 mph.

This type of hurricane can destroy mobile homes, damage smaller houses, cause flooding, uproot or snap trees, and cause power outages.

(from: wikipedia - hurricane isodore)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Sleet

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Indian Cobra

We just learned about Emerald Tree Boa.

Another type of snake is the Indian Cobra, also known as the naja naja, spectacled cobra, asian cobra or binocellate cobra.
This type of cobra lives mostly near India.

When this snake gets upset, it has a hood on the sides of it's head that it will flare out to show it is angry.

(from: wikipedia - indian cobra)

On some of these types of cobras, there is a marking on the back of their head that looks like a pair of glasses or spectacles.

Many people in India used to do something called snake charming, where they kept a cobra in a basket and then played a flute to get the snake to stand up and dance.
The real secret was the way the flute moved around to make the snake look at it.

Because these snakes were handled so much by people, they are one of the snakes that has bit people the most of any species.

(from: wikipedia - indian cobra)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Akita Inu

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Temporal Lobe

We just learned about the Parietal Lobe.

Another part of the cerebral cortex is the temporal lobe.

This lobe is on the side of your head, right by your ear and your temple.
The main job of this part of your brain is to take the sounds that come in through your ear and help you understand what they mean.

This means helping you tell the difference between a bunch of noise, and someone talking to you and saying words.
Or listening to music or birds chirping.

It also helps a little with memories and with things you see.

(from: wikipedia - temporal lobe)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Popliteal Artery

Monday, April 25, 2016

Lake Urmia

We just learned about Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan.

The next biggest lake is Lake Urmia in Iran.

This lake used to be the largest lake in the middle east in Asia, but because of dams that blocked off the rivers feeding it and the water being used up, it is now 10 times smaller than it was.

(from: wikipedia - lake urmia)

There is an interesting small island on the lake called The Fist of Osman.

(from: wikipedia - lake urmia)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: New Hampshire

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Holy Saturday

We just learned about Good Friday on the Church Calendar.

The next day is Holy Saturday.

On this day people remember when Jesus Christ body was laid in his tomb after he was crucified on Good Friday.

(from: wikipedia - holy saturday)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus' Tomb - Angels