We just learned that in Russian this house is big is Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy).
Let's learn about more things we see every day.
To say The chair is small, we say Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy).
The chair - Стул (stul) - sounds like stoh-l
small - маленький (malen'kiy) - Sounds like mah-len-kee
So all together Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy) sounds like stoh-l mah-len-kee.

(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)
Norwegian: Stolen er liten
Greek: Η καρέκλα είναι μικρή
ASL: This chair is small
Italian: La sedia è piccolo
German: Der Stuhl ist klein
Spanish: La silla es pequeña
French: La chaise est petit