Thursday, May 8, 2014


We just learned about Pyrite.

The most common type of mineral on the earth is called feldspar.

The word feldspar comes from the German language and means "field rock that does not have ore".
Ore is something in rocks that can be used to make metal.

Over half of the earth's crust is made up of feldspar.
The crust is the outer part of the planet earth.

Feldspar is made from elements like potassium, sodium, or calcium combined with other elements like aluminum, silicon, and oxygen.
(from: wikipedia - feldspar)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Earth's Gravity

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


We just learned about the Okapi.

The American robin is a small bird with a bright red chest that lives in North America.

The robin's song is a happy sounding whistle that sounds like they are saying "cheerily, cheer up, cheerio".
Robins like to get up very early to hunt for food, so you might hear them early in the morning. You're trying to sleep, but they're looking for worms to eat!

The robin is so well liked that it is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Like many other birds, the robin flies south for the winter to stay warm, and comes back to the north when it is spring. Some people look at robins as one of the first signs of spring.

Robin eggs are a light blue color, so if you see light blue eggs in a nest or shells on the ground, you know they belonged to a robin!
(from: wikipedia - american robin)

robin's nest
(from: wikipedia - american robin)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Earthworms

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Digestive System

We've learned the parts of the respiratory system from the pharynx all the way down to the alveoli.

Now let's learn about the other part of your throat, the digestive system.

That is the part of your body that takes the food down to your stomach to turn it into energy for you.
digestive system
(from: wikipedia - digestive system)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Maxilla

Monday, May 5, 2014

South Africa

We just learned about the country of Democratic Republic of Congo.

South Africa is a country on the south part of the continent of Africa on the Pacific and Indian oceans.
south africa
(from: wikipedia - south africa)

To eat in South Africa you might have chakalaka, which is a kind of vegetable stew.
(from: wikipedia - chakalaka)

Nelson Mandela was a very famous person from Africa who helped lead the African people toward peace and equality.
nelson mandela
(from: wikipedia - nelson mandela)

Cape Town is a famous city in South Africa, with many natural wonders to see.
cape town
(from: wikipedia - cape town)

There many wild animals in South Africa, and people often go on trips there just to see the animals like the giraffes.
south african giraffe
(from: wikipedia - south african giraffe)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Blessed are the poor

We just learned that Jesus gave a special talk called the Sermon on the Mount.

One of the things he talked about is called Beautitudes.

These are a list of blessed people that Jesus talked about, and the heavenly rewards they would receive.

The first one is:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

To be poor in spirit or in wealth means that we make God more important in our lives than saving up money and things on the earth.

blessed are the poor in spirit
(from: wikipedia - matthew 5:3)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Ruth

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Harvest Moon

We've learned about all of the phases of the moon, and the blue moon.

Another special type of moon is called the Harvest Moon or Hunter's Moon.
The harvest moon is special because it looks red!

Remember a long time ago we learned about the different colors of light, ROY G BIV?

When the moon doesn't look high up in the sky, but instead low down towards the ground, we call that on the horizon. And when you're not looking up in the sky but out on the horizon, you're looking through the sky (the atmosphere) into space at a different direction, and the color Red (from ROY G BIV) stands out more, which makes the moon look red!

It's called a harvest moon because it shows up in the fall when farmers are harvesting their crops.

harvest moon
(from: wikipedia - full moon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Atmosphere

Friday, May 2, 2014

Spanish - Their car is tall

We've learned that in Spanish:
I am happy is Estoy feliz,
You are sad is Estás triste,
He is angry is Él está enojado,
They are excited is Ellos estan emocionados,
We are surprised is Estamos sorprendido,
This house is big is Esta casa es grande,
The chair is small is La silla es pequeña,
My drink is cold is Mi bebida es fría and
My food is hot is Tu comida está caliente

Let's learn more about the things we see every day.

To say Their car is tall you would say Su coche es alto

We can break it up into four words:
Their - Su - sounds like soo /?/
car - coche - sounds like coh-chay /?/
is - es - sounds like ay-ss /?/
tall - alto - sounds like all-toh /?/

All together Su coche es alto sounds like Soo coh-chay ay-ss all-toh.

association of spanish language academies
(from: wikipedia - Association of Spanish Language Academies)

Do you remember how to say it in French?
French - Their car is tall - Leur voiture est haut