Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tropical Storm

We just learned about the type of Tropical Cyclone called a Tropical Depression.

The next strongest type of Tropical Cyclone is called a Tropical Storm.

This is when there is a strong circular thunderstorm with winds over 39 miles per hour and under 73 miles per hour.
A tropical storm can blow off shingles, and the heavy rain can cause flooding.

(from: wikipedia - tropical storm allison)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Roll Clouds

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blue Krait

We just learned about Coral Snake.

Another type of snake is the Blue Krait also known as the Bungarus candidus, or Malayan krait.

This is a venomous snake that lives in southeast Asia.
It has blueish-black stripes on its head and all along its body, and a white belly.

It is the 3rd most venomous snake in the world, and a bite from this snake can kill a human so they are very dangerous.
This snake is shy and usually won't go out to bite a human unless someone tries to pick it up or steps on it.

(from: wikipedia - bungarus candidus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Saluki

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


We just learned that the Nervous System is made up of the Central Nervous System which is your brain and spinal cord, and the Peripheral Nervous System which is all the nerves going through your body.

Let's learn more about the brain.

The brain is the part of the body that is in control of everything.
It tells the body when to breathe, when to walk or jump, and when to smile.

It also gets sent all the messages from body.
When you stub your toe it sends a message to your brain telling you that it hurts.
When you see, smell, hear, taste or touch things, all of those messages go to your brain.

The brain also is what helps you think and learn.
From learning how to talk, spell, do math or even how to sing.
It's also where your memories are, where your brain keeps track of the things you've seen and heard.

(from: wikipedia - human brain)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Descending Aorta

Monday, March 28, 2016

Lake Taymyr

We just learned about Lake Athabasca in Canada.

The next biggest lake is Lake Taymyr in Russia.
It is very far north, and is frozen over for all but three summer months.
In those summer months the temperature is about 44 degrees fahrenheit.

(from: wikipedia - lake taymyr)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Missouri

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Holy Week

We've learned that the Lent season begins with Fat Tuesday and then Ash Wednesday, and then goes on for several weeks.

The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, as it gets close to the Easter holiday.

(from: wikipedia - holy week)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus Crucificion - Why have you forsaken me?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Statue of Gudea

We just learned about the Cylinder Seal sculptures.

Another set of sculptures are the many statues of Gudea.

Gudea was a king in the land of Mesopotamia thousands of years ago.
The people he ruled over made many statues of him, and many of them survived for thousands of years.

The statues were made of different types of stone called alabaster or diorite.

(from: wikipedia - statues of gudea)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Charles IV of Spain and His Family - Francisco Goya

Friday, March 25, 2016

Italian - My drink is cold

We just learned that in Italian to say this chair is small you say La sedia è piccolo.

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say My drink is cold, we say La mia bevanda è freddo.

Here's how to say it:
My - La mia - sounds like lah me-ah /?/
drink - bevanda - sounds like bay-van-dah /?/
is - è - Sounds like ay-ee /?/
cold - freddo - Sounds like fd-ay-doh /?/

So all together La mia bevanda è freddo sounds like lah me-ah bay-van-da ay-ee fd-ay-doh.

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

In German:
Mein Getränk ist kalt

In Spanish:
Mi bebida es fría

In French:
Ma boisson est froid