Friday, January 21, 2022

Hindi - Horse, Sheep, Duck

We already know that in Hindi, dog is कुत्ता (kutta) and cat is बिल्ली (billee),
cow is गाय (gaay), chicken is मुर्गी (murgee), and pig is सुअर (suar).

Let's learn more animals!

horse - घोड़ा (ghoda) - sounds like gh-oh-dah - 文A

sheep - भेड़ (bhed) - b-heh - 文A

duck - बत्तख (battakh) - bah-tah-k - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: farasi, kondoo, bata

Russian: лошадь (loshad'), овца (ovtsa), утка (utka)

Norwegian: hest, sau, and

Greek: άλογο, πρόβατα, πάπια

ASL: horse, sheep, duck

German: Pferd, Schaf, Ente

Spanish:caballo, oveja, pato

French:French - cheval, mouton, canard