We just learned that in Hindi:
This house is big: यह घर बड़ा है (yah ghar bada hai)
This chair is small: कुर्सी छोटी है (kursee chhotee hai)
My drink is cold: मेरा पेय ठंडा है (mera pey thanda hai)
Your food is hot: आपका खाना गर्म है (aapaka khaana garm hai)
Their car is tall is: उनकी कार लंबी है (unakee kaar lambee hai)
To say our table is short you would say हमारी टेबल छोटी है (hamaaree tebal chhotee hai).
Our - हमारी (hamaaree) - sounds like hah-mah-dee - 文A
table - टेबल - (tebal) sounds like tay-bah-l - 文A
short - छोटी (chhotee) - Sounds like choh-tee - 文A
is - है (hai) - sounds like hay - 文A
So all together To say our table is short you would say hah-mah-dee tay-bah-l choh-tee hay.

(from: wikipedia - devanagari)
Swahili: Meza yetu ni fupi
Russian: наш стол короткий (nash stol korotkiy)
Norwegian: Vårt bord er kort
Greek: Το τραπέζι μας είναι σύντομο (To trapézi mas eínai sýntomo)
ASL: Our table is short
Italian: Il nostro tavolo è breve
German: Unser Tisch ist kurz
Spanish: Nuestra mesa es bajo
French: Notre table est courte