Showing posts with label Russian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russian. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2020

Russian - January, February

We just learned about the days of the week.

Let's learn about the months of the year in Russian!

January - Январь (Yanvar') - sounds like yah-n-var 文A

February - Февраль (Fevral') - sounds like feh-v-rah-l 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Januar, Februar

Greek: Ιανουάριος (Ianouários), Φεβρουάριος (Fevrouários)

ASL: January, February

Italian: Gennaio, Febbraio

German: Januar, Februar

Spanish: Enero, Febrero

French: Janvier, Février

Friday, May 15, 2020

Russian - Saturday, Sunday

We just learned that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in Russian is Понедельник (Ponedel'nik), Вторник (Vtornik), Среда (Sreda) and Thursday, Friday is Четверг (Chetverg), пятница (Pyatnitsa).

Let's keep learning the days of the week!

Saturday - Суббота (Subbota) - sounds like soo-boh-tah 文A

Sunday - Воскресенье (Voskresen'ye) - sounds like voh-skray-say-n-yeh 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Lørdag, Søndag

Greek: Σάββατο (Sávvato), Κυριακή (Kyriakí)

ASL: Saturday, Sunday

Italian: Sabato, Domenica

German: Samstag, Sonntag

Spanish: Sabado, Domingo

French: Samedi, Dimanche

Friday, May 8, 2020

Russian - Thursday, Friday

We just learned that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in Russian is Понедельник (Ponedel'nik), Вторник (Vtornik), Среда (Sreda).

Let's keep learning the days of the week!

Thursday - Четверг (Chetverg) - sounds like cheh-t-v-yeh-rg 文A

Friday - пятница - (Pyatnitsa) sounds like P-yah-t-nih-t-sah 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Torsdag, Fredag

Greek: Πέμπτη (Pémpti), Παρασκευή (Paraskeví)

ASL: Thursday, Friday

Italian: Giovedì, Venerdì

German: Donnerstag, Freitag

Spanish: Viernes, Jueves

French: Jeudi, Vendredi

Friday, May 1, 2020

Russian - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

We just learned in Russian that to say his face is rough is Его лицо грубо (Yego litso grubo)

Let's learn the days of the week in Russian!

Monday - Понедельник (Ponedel'nik) - Sounds like poh-n-yeh-deh-l-neek 文A

Tuesday - Вторник (Vtornik) - Sounds like f-toh-r-neek 文A

Wednesday - Среда (Sreda) - Sounds like s-ray-dah 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag

Greek: Δευτέρα (Deftéra), Τρίτη (Tríti), Τετάρτη (Tetárti)

ASL: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Italian: Lunedi, Martedì, Mercoledì

German: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch

Spanish: Lunes, Martes, Miercoles

French: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi

Friday, April 24, 2020

Russian - His face is rough

We just learned in Russian hands are soft is Ее руки мягкие (Yeye ruki myagkiye).

To say his face is rough you would say Его лицо грубо (Yego litso grubo).
His - Его (Yego) - sounds like yay-go 文A

face - лицо (litso) - sounds like lee-t-soh 文A

rough - грубо (grubo) - sounds like g-roo-boh 文A

So all together Его лицо грубо (Yego litso grubo) sounds like yay-go lee-t-soh g-roo-boh.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Ansiktet hans er grovt

Greek: Το πρόσωπό του είναι τραχύ (To prósopó tou eínai trachý)

ASL: His face is rough

Italian: il suo volto è ruvida

German: Sein Gesicht ist rau.

Spanish: Su cara es áspera

French: Son visage est rude

Friday, April 17, 2020

Russian - Her hands are soft

We just learned in Russian our table is short is наш стол короткий (nash stol korotkiy).

To say her hands are soft you would say Ее руки мягкие (Yeye ruki myagkiye).

Her - Ее (Yeye) - sounds like yeh-yeh 文A
hands - руки (ruki) - sounds like roh-kee 文A
soft - мягкие (myagkiye) - sounds like m-yah-g-kee-yeh 文A

So all together To say her hands are soft you would say yeh-yeh roh-kee m-yah-g-kee-yeh.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Hennes hender er myke

Greek: Τα χέρια της είναι μαλακά (Ta chéria tis eínai malaká)

ASL: ASL: Her hands are soft

Italian: Le sue mani sono morbide

German: Ihre Hände sind weich

Spanish: Sus manos estan suaves

French: Ses mains sont douces

Friday, April 10, 2020

Russian - Our table is short

We just learned that in Russian:
This house is big: Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy)
This chair is small: Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy)
My drink is cold: Мой напиток холодный (Moy napitok kholodnyy)
Your food is hot: Ваша еда горячая (Vasha yeda goryachaya)
and their car is tall is Их машина высокая (Ikh mashina vysokaya)

To say our table is short you would say наш стол короткий (nash stol korotkiy).

Our - наш (nash) - sounds like nah-sh 文A
table - стол (stol) - sounds like stoh-l 文A
short - короткий (korotkiy) - Sounds like kah-roh-t-kee 文A

So all together To say our table is short you would say nah-sh stoh-l kah-roh-t-kee.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Vårt bord er kort

Greek: Το τραπέζι μας είναι σύντομο (To trapézi mas eínai sýntomo)

ASL: Our table is short

Italian: Il nostro tavolo è breve

German: Unser Tisch ist kurz

Spanish: Nuestra mesa es bajo

French: Notre table est courte

Friday, April 3, 2020

Russian - Their car is tall

We just learned that in Russian:
This house is big: Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy)
This chair is small: Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy)
My drink is cold: Мой напиток холодный (Moy napitok kholodnyy)
Your food is hot: Ваша еда горячая (Vasha yeda goryachaya)

To say their car is tall you would say Их машина высокая (Ikh mashina vysokaya).

Their - Их (Ikh) - sounds like ih-kh 文A

car - машина (mashina) - sounds like mah-shee-nah 文A

tall - высокая (vysokaya) - Sounds like v-soh-kah-yah 文A

So all together Их машина высокая (Ikh mashina vysokaya) sounds like ih-kh mah-shee-nah v-soh-kah-yah.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Deres bil er høy

Greek: Το αυτοκίνητό τους είναι ψηλό (To aftokínitó tous eínai psiló)

ASL: Their car is tall

Italian: La loro auto è alto

German: Ihr Auto ist groß

Spanish: Su coche es alto

French: Leur voiture est haut

Friday, March 27, 2020

Russian - Your food is hot

We just learned that in Russian:
This house is big: Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy)
This chair is small: Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy)
My drink is cold: Мой напиток холодный (Moy napitok kholodnyy)
Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say your food is hot you would say Ваша еда горячая (Vasha yeda goryachaya).

Your - Ваша (vasha) - sounds like vah-sha 文A

food - еда (yeda) - sounds like yeh-dah 文A

hot - горячая (goryachaya) - sounds like gah-yeh-chee-yah 文A

So all together Ваша еда горячая (Vasha yeda goryachaya) sounds like vah-sha yeh-dah gah-yeh-chee-yah.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Maten er varm

Greek: Το φαγητό είναι ζεστό (To fagitó eínai zestó)

ASL: Your food is hot

Italian: Il vostro cibo è caldo

German: Ihr Essen ist heiß

Spanish: Tu comida está caliente

French: Votre nourriture est chaud

Friday, March 20, 2020

Russian - My drink is cold

We just learned that in Russian:
This house is big: Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy)
This chair is small: Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy)

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say My drink is cold, we say Мой напиток холодный (Moy napitok kholodnyy).

Here's how to say it:

My - Мой (Moy) - sounds like moh-ee 文A

drink - напиток (napitok) - sounds like nah-pee-toh-k 文A

cold - холодный (kholodnyy) - sounds like kho-loh-d-nee. The "kho" part here sounds kind of like the sound a cat makes when hissing.

So all together Мой напиток холодный (Moy napitok kholodnyy) sounds like moh-ee nah-pee-toh-k kho-loh-d-nee.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Min drikke er kald

Greek: Το ποτό μου είναι κρύο (To potó mou eínai krýo)

ASL: My drink is cold

Italian: La mia bevanda è freddo

German: Mein Getränk ist kalt

Spanish: Mi bebida es fría

French: Ma boisson est froid

Friday, March 13, 2020

Russian - The chair is small

We just learned that in Russian this house is big is Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy).

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say The chair is small, we say Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy).

The chair - Стул (stul) - sounds like stoh-l

small - маленький (malen'kiy) - Sounds like mah-len-kee

So all together Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy) sounds like stoh-l mah-len-kee.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Stolen er liten

Greek: Η καρέκλα είναι μικρή

ASL: This chair is small

Italian: La sedia è piccolo

German: Der Stuhl ist klein

Spanish: La silla es pequeña

French: La chaise est petit

Friday, March 6, 2020

Russian - This house is big

We just learned that in Russian we are surprised is Мы удивлены (My udivleny).

Let's learn about some of the things we see every day.

To say this house is big in Russian you say Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy).

This - Этот (Etot) - sounds like eh-tuh-t 文A
house - дом (dom) - sounds like doh-m 文A
big - большой (bol'shoy) - sounds like boh-l-show-ee 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Dette huset er stort

Greek: Αυτό το σπίτι είναι μεγάλο

ASL: This house is big

Italian: Questa casa è grande

German: Das Haus ist groß

Spanish: Esta casa es grande

French: Cette maison est grande

Friday, February 28, 2020

Russian - We are surprised

We just learned that in Russian I am happy is Я счастлив (ya shastliv),
you are sad is Ты грустный (Ty grustnyy),
he is angry is Он сердится (On serditsya),
and they are excited is Они взволнованы (Oni vzvolnovany).

Let's learn how to say We are surprised.

Мы удивлены (My udivleny)

We can break it up into two words:

We - Мы (My) - Sounds like Moo 文A
are surprised - удивлены (udivleny) - Sounds like oo-dee-v-lay-n-ee 文A

So all together Мы удивлены sounds like Moo oo-dee-v-lay-n-ee.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Vi er overrasket

Greek: Είναι έκπληκτοι

ASL: We are surprised

German: Wir sind begeistert

Spanish: Estamos sorprendido

French: Nous sommes surpris

Friday, February 21, 2020

Russian - They are excited

We just learned that in Russian I am happy is Я счастлив (ya shastliv),
you are sad is Ты грустный (Ty grustnyy),
and he is angry is Он сердится (On serditsya).

Let's learn how to say they are excited.

Они взволнованы (Oni vzvolnovany)

They - Они (Oni) - Sounds like oh-nee 文A

are excited - взволнованы - (vzvolnovany) Sounds like v-z-voh-l-noh-vah-nee 文A

So all together Они взволнованы (Oni vzvolnovany) sounds like oh-nee v-z-voh-l-noh-vah-nee.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: De er begeistret

Greek: Είναι ενθουσιασμένοι

ASL: They are excited

Italian: Sono eccitati

German: Sie sind aufgeregt

Spanish: Ellos estan emocionados

French: Ils sont excité

Friday, February 14, 2020

Russian - He is angry

We just learned that in Russian I am happy is Я счастлив (ya shastliv), and you are sad is Ты грустный (Ty grustnyy).

Now let's learn how to say He is angry.

Он сердится (On serditsya)

He - Он (On) - sounds like oh-n 文A
angry - сердится (serditsya) - Sounds like see-ay-dr-dee-t-ss-yah 文A

So all together Он сердится (On serditsya) sounds like oh-n see-ay-dr-dee-t-ss-yah.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Han er sint

Greek: Είναι θυμωμένος

ASL: He is angry

Italian: Lui è arrabbiato

German: Er ist wütend

Spanish: Él está enojado

French: Il est en colère

Friday, February 7, 2020

Russian - You are sad

We just learned that in Russian I am happy is Я счастлив (ya shastliv).

Now let's learn how to say You are sad.

Ты грустный

You - Ты (Ty) - sounds like too 文A
sad - грустный (grustnyy) - Sounds like g-dr-oo-ss-t-n-ee 文A

So all together Ты грустный (Ty grustnyy) sounds like Too g-dr-oo-ss-t-n-ee.

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: du er lei deg.

Greek: Είσαι λυπημενος

ASL: You are sad

Italian: Sei triste

German: Sie sind traurig

Spanish: Estas triste

French: Vous êtes triste

Friday, January 31, 2020

Russian - I am happy

Last time we learned that the Russian words for horse, sheep and duck are лошадь (loshad'), овца (ovsta), and утка (utka).

Let's learn how to say I am happy in Russian!

We can break it up into a few words.

In Russian you don't say "I am happy", you really just say "I happy".

I - Я (ya) - sounds like yah 文A

happy - счастлив (schastliv) - sounds like shah-ss-t-lih-v 文A

Together Я счастлив (ya shastliv) sounds like yah shah-ss-t-lih-v

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: jeg er glad

Greek: Είμαι (Eímai) χαρούμενος (charoúmenos)

ASL: I am happy

Italian: Sono felice

German: Ich bin glücklich

Spanish: Estoy feliz

French: Je suis heureux

Friday, January 24, 2020

Russian - Horse, sheep, duck

We know that in Russian, dog is собака (sobaka)and cat is кошка (koshka),
cow is корова (korova), chicken is курица (kuritsa), and pig is свинья (svin'ya).

Let's learn more animals!

horse - лошадь (loshad') - sounds like loh-sh-ad 文A

sheep - овца (ovtsa) - sounds like ah-v-ts-ah 文A

duck - утка (utka) - sounds like oo-t-kah 文A

Also in Russia horses say И-го-го (ee-go-go), sheep say Б-е-е-е (beh), and ducks say Кря-кря (kr-yah).

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: hest, sau, and

Greek: άλογο, πρόβατα, πάπια

ASL: horse, sheep, duck

German: Pferd, Schaf, Ente

Spanish:caballo, oveja, pato

French:French - cheval, mouton, canard

Friday, January 17, 2020

Russian - Cow, Chicken, Pig

We just learned that black white brown and gray in Russian is черный (chernyy), белый (belyy), коричневый (korichnevyy), серый (seryy).

We already know that in Russian, dog is собака (sobaka) and cat is кошка (koshka).

Now let's learn about some farm animals!

cow - корова (korova) - sounds like kah-droh-vah 文A

chicken - курица (kuritsa) - sounds like koo-dree-t-sah 文A

pig - свинья (svin'ya) - sounds like s-vee-n-yah 文A

Also in Russian cows say Му-у-у (mooo), chickens say Ко-ко-ко (ko-ko-ko) and pigs say Хрю-хрю (khryoo-khryoo)!

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: ku, kylling, gris

Greek: αγελάδα, κοτόπουλο, χοίρο

ASL: cow, chicken, pig

Italian: mucca, pollo, maiale

German: Kuh, Huhn, Schwein

Spanish: vaca, pollo, cerdo

French: vache, poulet, porc

Friday, January 10, 2020

Russian - Black, white, brown, gray

We just learned that in Russian, red, orange and yellow are красный (krasnyy), оранжевый (oranzhevyy), желтый (zheltyy),
and green, blue, purple, pink are зеленый (zelenyy), синий (siniy), фиолетовый (fioletovyy), розовый (rozovyy).

Let's learn some more colors!

black - черный (chernyy) - sounds like choh-r-nee 文A

white - белый (belyy) - sounds like bee-ah-lee 文A

brown - коричневый (korichnevyy) - sounds like kah-dree-ch-nee-yeh-vee 文A

gray - серый (seryy) - sounds like see-ah-dree 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: svart, hvit, brun, grå

Greek: μαύρο, λευκό, καφέ, γκρι

ASL: black, white, brown, gray

Italian: nero, bianco, marrone, grigio

German: schwarz, weiß, braun, grau

Spanish: negro, blanco, marrón, gris

French: noir, blanc, brun, gris