Showing posts with label Hindi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindi. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2022

Hindi - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

We just learned in Hindi that to say his face is rough is उसका चेहरा खुरदरा है (usaka chehara khuradara hai)

Let's learn the days of the week in Hindi!

Monday - सोमवार (somavaar) - Sounds like sow-m-vah-r - 文A

Tuesday - मंगलवार (mangalavaar) - Sounds like mah-n-ghel-vah-r - 文A

Wednesday - बुधवार (budhavaar) - Sounds like boo-d-vah-r - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Jumatatu, Jumanne, Jumatano

Russian: Понедельник (Ponedel'nik), Вторник (Vtornik), Среда (Sreda)

Norwegian: Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag

Greek: Δευτέρα (Deftéra), Τρίτη (Tríti), Τετάρτη (Tetárti)

ASL: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Italian: Lunedi, Martedì, Mercoledì

German: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch

Spanish: Lunes, Martes, Miercoles

French: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi

Friday, April 22, 2022

Hindi - His face is rough

We just learned in Hindi her hands are soft is उसके हाथ कोमल हैं (usake haath komal hain).

To say his face is rough you would say उसका चेहरा खुरदरा है (usaka chehara khuradara hai).

His - उसका (usaka) - sounds like oo-skah - 文A

face - चेहरा (chehara) - sounds like chay-hah-dah - 文A

rough - खुरदरा (khuradara) - sounds like koo-day-drah - 文A

is - है (hai) - sounds like hay - 文A

So all together उसका चेहरा खुरदरा है (usaka chehara khuradara hai) sounds like oo-skah chay-hah-dah koo-day-drah hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Uso wake ni mkali

Russian: Его лицо грубо (Yego litso grubo)

Norwegian: Ansiktet hans er grovt

Greek: Το πρόσωπό του είναι τραχύ (To prósopó tou eínai trachý)

ASL: His face is rough

Italian: il suo volto è ruvida

German: Sein Gesicht ist rau.

Spanish: Su cara es áspera

French: Son visage est rude

Friday, April 15, 2022

Hindi - Her hands are soft

We just learned in Hindi our table is short is >हमारी टेबल छोटी है (hamaaree tebal chhotee hai).

To say her hands are soft you would say उसके हाथ कोमल हैं (usake haath komal hain).
This really means "Her hands soft are".

Her - उसके (usake) - sounds like oo-skee - 文A

hands - हाथ (haath) - sounds like hah-th - 文A

soft - कोमल (komal) - sounds like koh-mah-l - 文A

are - हैं (hain) - sounds like hay - 文A

So all together To say her hands are soft you would say oo-skee hah-th koh-mah-l hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Mikono yake ni laini

Russian: Ее руки мягкие (Yeye ruki myagkiye)

Norwegian: Hennes hender er myke

Greek: Τα χέρια της είναι μαλακά (Ta chéria tis eínai malaká)

ASL: ASL: Her hands are soft

Italian: Le sue mani sono morbide

German: Ihre Hände sind weich

Spanish: Sus manos estan suaves

French: Ses mains sont douces

Friday, April 8, 2022

Hindi - Our table is short

We just learned that in Hindi:
This house is big: यह घर बड़ा है (yah ghar bada hai)
This chair is small: कुर्सी छोटी है (kursee chhotee hai)
My drink is cold: मेरा पेय ठंडा है (mera pey thanda hai)
Your food is hot: आपका खाना गर्म है (aapaka khaana garm hai)

Their car is tall is: उनकी कार लंबी है (unakee kaar lambee hai)

To say our table is short you would say हमारी टेबल छोटी है (hamaaree tebal chhotee hai).

Our - हमारी (hamaaree) - sounds like hah-mah-dee - 文A

table - टेबल - (tebal) sounds like tay-bah-l - 文A

short - छोटी (chhotee) - Sounds like choh-tee - 文A

is - है (hai) - sounds like hay - 文A

So all together To say our table is short you would say hah-mah-dee tay-bah-l choh-tee hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Meza yetu ni fupi

Russian: наш стол короткий (nash stol korotkiy)

Norwegian: Vårt bord er kort

Greek: Το τραπέζι μας είναι σύντομο (To trapézi mas eínai sýntomo)

ASL: Our table is short

Italian: Il nostro tavolo è breve

German: Unser Tisch ist kurz

Spanish: Nuestra mesa es bajo

French: Notre table est courte

Friday, April 1, 2022

Hindi - Their car is tall

We just learned that in Hindi:
This house is big: यह घर बड़ा है (yah ghar bada hai)
This chair is small: कुर्सी छोटी है (kursee chhotee hai)
My drink is cold: मेरा पेय ठंडा है (mera pey thanda hai)
Your food is hot: आपका खाना गर्म है (aapaka khaana garm hai)

To say their car is tall you would say उनकी कार लंबी है (unakee kaar lambee hai).

Their - उनकी (unakee) - sounds like oo-n-kee - 文A

car - कार (kaar) - sounds like kar - 文A

tall - लंबी (lambee) - sounds like luh-m-bee - 文A

is - है (hai) - Sounds like hay - 文A

So all together उनकी कार लंबी है (unakee kaar lambee hai) sounds like oo-n-kee car luh-m-bee hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Gari lao ni refu

Norwegian: Deres bil er høy

Greek: Το αυτοκίνητό τους είναι ψηλό (To aftokínitó tous eínai psiló)

ASL: Their car is tall

Italian: La loro auto è alto

German: Ihr Auto ist groß

Spanish: Su coche es alto

French: Leur voiture est haut

Russian: Их машина высокая (Ikh mashina vysokaya)

Friday, March 25, 2022

Hindi - Your food is hot

We just learned that in Hindi:
This house is big: यह घर बड़ा है (yah ghar bada hai)
This chair is small: कुर्सी छोटी है (kursee chhotee hai)
My drink is cold: मेरा पेय ठंडा है (mera pey thanda hai)

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say your food is hot you would say आपका खाना गर्म है (aapaka khaana garm hai).
It really means something like Your food hot is.

Your - आपका (aapaka) - sounds like ah-p-kah - 文A

food - खाना (khaana) - sounds like kah-nah - 文A

hot - गर्म (garm) - sounds like gh-er-m - 文A

is - है (hai) - sounds like hay - 文A

So all together आपका खाना गर्म है (aapaka khaana garm hai) sounds like ah-p-kah kah-nah gh-er-m hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Chakula chako ni cha moto

Russian: Ваша еда горячая (Vasha yeda goryachaya)

Norwegian: Maten er varm

Greek: Το φαγητό είναι ζεστό (To fagitó eínai zestó)

ASL: Your food is hot

Italian: Il vostro cibo è caldo

German: Ihr Essen ist heiß

Spanish: Tu comida está caliente

French: Votre nourriture est chaud

Friday, March 18, 2022

Hindi - My drink is cold

We just learned that in Hindi:
This house is big: यह घर बड़ा है (yah ghar bada hai)
This chair is small: कुर्सी छोटी है (kursee chhotee hai)

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say My drink is cold, we say मेरा पेय ठंडा है (mera pey thanda hai).

Here's how to say it:

My - मेर (mera) - sounds like mee-drah - 文A

Drink - पेय (pey) - sounds like pay - 文A

cold - ठंड (thanda) - sounds like tah-n-dah - 文A

is - है (hai) - sounds like hay - 文A

So all together मेरा पेय ठंडा है (mera pey thanda hai) sounds like mee-drah pay tah-n-dah hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Kinywaji changu ni baridi

Russian: Мой напиток холодный (Moy napitok kholodnyy)

Norwegian: Min drikke er kald

Greek: Το ποτό μου είναι κρύο (To potó mou eínai krýo)

ASL: My drink is cold

Italian: La mia bevanda è freddo

German: Mein Getränk ist kalt

Spanish: Mi bebida es fría

French: Ma boisson est froid

Friday, March 11, 2022

The chair is small

We just learned that in Hindi this house is big is यह घर बड़ा है (yah ghar bada hai).

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say The chair is small, we say कुर्सी छोटी है (kursee chhotee hai).

chair - कुर्सी (kursee) - sounds like k-er-see - 文A

small - छोटी (chhotee) - sounds like ch-hoh-tee - 文A

is - है (hai) - sounds like hay - 文A

So all together कुर्सी छोटी है (kursee chhotee hai) sounds like k-er-see ch-hoh-tee hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Mwenyekiti ni mdogo

Russian: Стул маленький (Stul malen'kiy)

Norwegian: Stolen er liten

Greek: Η καρέκλα είναι μικρή

ASL: This chair is small

Italian: La sedia è piccolo

German: Der Stuhl ist klein

Spanish: La silla es pequeña

French: La chaise est petit

Friday, March 4, 2022

Hindi - This house is big

We just learned that in Hindi we are surprised is हम हैरान हैं (ham hairaan hain).

Let's learn about some of the things we see every day.

To say this house is big in Hindi you say यह घर बड़ा है (yah ghar bada hai).

In Hindi you are really saying "This house big is".

This - यह (yah) - sounds like yah - 文A

house - घर (ghar) - The "gh" in this sounds sort of like g-huh as one sound, gh-ah-r - 文A

big - बड़ा (bada) - sounds like bah-dah - 文A

is - है (hai) - sounds like hay - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Nyumba hii ni kubwa

Russian: Этот дом большой (Etot dom bol'shoy)
Norwegian: Dette huset er stort

Greek: Αυτό το σπίτι είναι μεγάλο (Aftó to spíti eínai megálo)

ASL: This house is big

Italian: Questa casa è grande

German: Das Haus ist groß

Spanish: Esta casa es grande

French: Cette maison est grande

Friday, February 25, 2022

Hindi - We are surprised

We just learned that in Hindi I am happy is म्हानै खुशी होई (mhaanai khushee hoee),
you are sad is आप दुखी हैं (aap dukhee hain),
he is angry is वह क्रोधित है (vah krodhit hai), and they are excited is वे उत्साहित हैं (ve utsaahit hain).

Let's learn how to say we are surprised.

We - हम (ham) - Sounds like hah-m - 文A

Surprised - हैरान (hairaan)- Sounds like hay-drah-n - 文A

Are - हैं (hain)- Sounds like hay - 文A

All together हम हैरान हैं (ham hairaan hain) - Sounds like hah-m hay-drah-n hay-n

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Tunashangaa

Russian: Мы удивлены (My udivleny)

Norwegian: Vi er overrasket

Greek: Είναι έκπληκτοι (Eínai ékpliktoi)

ASL: We are surprised

German: Wir sind begeistert

Spanish: Estamos sorprendido

French: Nous sommes surpris

Friday, February 18, 2022

Hindi - They are excited

We just learned that in Hindi I am happy is म्हानै खुशी होई (mhaanai khushee hoee),
you are sad is आप दुखी हैं (aap dukhee hain),
and he is angry is वह क्रोधित है (vah krodhit hai).

Let's learn how to say they are excited.

They - वे (ve) - Sounds like vay - 文A

Excited - उत्साहित (utsaahit)- Sounds like oo-t-sah-hit - 文A

Are - हैं (hain)- Sounds like hay - 文A

All together वे उत्साहित हैं (ve utsaahit hain) - Sounds like vay oo-t-sah-hit hay

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Wanafurahi

Russian: Они взволнованы (Oni vzvolnovany)

Norwegian: De er begeistret

Greek: Είναι ενθουσιασμένοι

ASL: They are excited

Italian: Sono eccitati

German: Sie sind aufgeregt

Spanish: Ellos estan emocionados

French: Ils sont excité

Friday, February 11, 2022

Hindi - He is angry

We just learned that in Hindi I am happy is म्हानै खुशी होई (mhaanai khushee hoee), and you are sad is आप दुखी हैं (aap dukhee hain).

Now let's learn how to say He is angry.

वह क्रोधित है (vah krodhit hai)

He - वह (vah) - sounds like vah - 文A

angry - क्रोधित (krodhit) - Sounds like kroh-dit - 文A

is - है (hai) - Sounds like hah-see-rah - 文A

So all together वह क्रोधित है (vah krodhit hai) sounds like vah kroh-dit hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Ana hasira

Russian: Он сердится (On serditsya)

Norwegian: Han er sint

Greek: Είναι θυμωμένος

ASL: He is angry

Italian: Lui è arrabbiato

German: Er ist wütend

Spanish: Él está enojado

French: Il est en colère

Friday, February 4, 2022

Hindi - You are sad

We just learned that in Hindi I am happy is म्हानै खुशी होई (mhaanai khushee hoee).

Now let's learn how to say You are sad.

आप दुखी हैं (aap dukhee hain)

In Hindi you say something like "You sad are".

You - आप (aap) - sounds like ah-p - 文A

sad - दुखी (dukhee) - Sounds like doo-kee - 文A

are - हैं (hain) - Sounds like hay - 文A

So all together आप दुखी हैं (aap dukhee hain) sounds like ah-p doo-kee hay.

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Una huzuni

Russian: Ты грустный (Ty grustnyy)

Norwegian: du er lei deg

Greek: Είσαι λυπημενος (Eísai lypimenos)

ASL: You are sad

Italian: Sei triste

German: Sie sind traurig

Spanish: Estas triste

French: Vous êtes triste

Friday, January 28, 2022

Hindi - I am happy

Last time we learned that the Hindi words for horse, sheep and duck are घोड़ा (ghoda), भेड़ (bhed), and बत्तख (battakh).

Let's learn how to say I am happy in Hindi!

म्हानै खुशी होई (mhaanai khushee hoee) - sounds like mah-hah-nee kuh-shee hoo-ee
- 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: Nina furaha

Russian: Я (ya), счастлив (schastliv)

Norwegian: jeg er glad

Greek: Είμαι (Eímai) χαρούμενος (charoúmenos)

ASL: I am happy

Italian: Sono felice

German: Ich bin glücklich

Spanish: Estoy feliz

French: Je suis heureux

Friday, January 14, 2022

Hindi - Cow, chicken, pig

We just learned that black white brown and gray in Hindi is काला (kaala), सफेद (saphed), भूरा (bhoora), ग्रे (gre).

We already know that in Hindi, dog is कुत्ता (kutta) and cat is बिल्ली (billee).

Now let's learn about some farm animals!

cow - गाय (gaay) - sounds like gah-ee - 文A

chicken - मुर्गी (murgee) - sounds like moo-edr-ghee - 文A

pig - सुअर (suar) - sounds like soo-eh-r - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: ng'ombe, kuku, nguruwe

Russian: корова (korova)курица (kuritsa), свинья (svin'ya)

Norwegian: ku, kylling, gris

Greek: αγελάδα, κοτόπουλο, χοίρο

ASL: cow, chicken, pig

Italian: mucca, pollo, maiale

German: Kuh, Huhn, Schwein

Spanish: vaca, pollo, cerdo

French: vache, poulet, porc

Friday, January 7, 2022

Hindi - Black, White, Brown, Gray

We just learned that in Hindi, red, orange and yellow are लाल (laal), नारंगी (naarangee), पीला (peela), and green, blue, purple, pink are हरा (hara), नीला (neela), बैंगनी (bainganee), गुलाबी (gulaabee).

Let's learn some more colors!

black - काला (kaala) - sounds like kah-lah - 文A

white - सफेद (saphed) - sounds like sah-fay-d - 文A

brown - भूरा (bhoora) - sounds like boo-drah - 文A

gray - ग्रे (gre) - sounds like gray - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: nyeusi, nyeupe, , kahawia, kijivu

Russian: черный (chernyy), белый (belyy), коричневый (korichnevyy), серый (seryy)

Norwegian: svart, hvit, brun, grå

Greek: μαύρο, λευκό, καφέ, γκρι

ASL: black, white, brown, gray

Italian: nero, bianco, marrone, grigio

German: schwarz, weiß, braun, grau

Spanish: negro, blanco, marrón, gris

French: noir, blanc, brun, gris

Friday, December 31, 2021

Hindi - Green, Blue, Purple, Pink

We just learned that in Hindi, red, orange and yellow are लाल (laal), नारंगी (naarangee), पीला (peela).

Let's learn more colors!

green - हरा (hara) - sounds like ha-dah - 文A

blue - नीला (neela) - sounds like nee-lah - 文A

purple - बैंगनी (bainganee) - sounds like bah-een-gah-nee - 文A

pink - गुलाबी (gulaabee) - sounds like goo-lah-bee - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: kijani, bluu, zambarau, nyekundu

Russian: зеленый (zelenyy), синий (siniy), фиолетовый (fioletovyy), розовый (rozovyy)

Norwegian: grønn, blå, lilla, rosa

Greek: πράσινο, μπλε, μοβ, ροζ

ASL: green, blue, purple, pink

Italian: verde, blu, viola, rosa

German: grün, blau, lila, rosa

Spanish: verde, azul, morado, rosa

French: vert, bleu, violet, rose

Friday, December 24, 2021

Hindi - Red, Orange, Yellow

We just learned about the alphabet in Hindi.

Now let's learn some colors!

red - लाल (laal) - sounds like lah-l - 文A

orange - नारंगी (naarangee) - sounds like nah-rah-n-gee - 文A

yellow - पीला (peela) - sounds like pee-lah - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: nyekundu, machungwa, manjano

Russian: красный (krasnyy), оранжевый (oranzhevyy), желтый (zheltyy)

Norwegian: rød, oransje, gul

Greek: κόκκινο, πορτοκαλί, κίτρινο

ASL: red, orange, yellow

Italian: rosso, arancione, giallo

German: rot, orange, gelb

Spanish: rojo, naranja, amarillo

French: rouge, orange, jaune

Friday, December 17, 2021

Hindi Alphabet

We just learned how to Count to ten in Hindi.

The Hindi alphabet looks very different from the English one, and it is called "Devanagari".
The vowels look like this: अ, अं1, ॲ / ऍ, इ, उ, ऋ, ऌ4, ए, ओ, प, पं, पि, पु, पृ, पॢ, पॅ, पे, पो
and the consonants look like this: क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म, य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह
There are 33 consonants and 14 vowels.

All of the letters have a bar at the top of them, and when the letters make up a word the lines at the top connect for that word, like the word namaste: नमस्ते

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

The Swahili alphabet: a, b, ch, d, dh, e, f, g, gh, i, j, k, kh, l, m, n, ng', ny, o, p, r, s, sh, t, th, ts, u, v, w, y, z

The Russian alphabet: Аа, Бб, Вв, Гг, Дд, Ее, Ёё, Жж, Зз, Ии, Йй, Кк, Лл, Мм, Нн, Оо, Пп, Рр, Сс, Тт, Уу, Фф, Хх, Цц, Чч, Шш, Щщ, Ыы, Ээ, Юю, Яя

The Norwegian alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Æ, Ø, Å The Greek alphabet: Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω

ASL alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

The Italian alphabet looks the same as the English alphabet.

The German alphabet has the letters ä, ö, ü, ß

The Spanish alphabet:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, I, J, K, L, LL, M, N, Ñ O, P, Q, R, RR, S, T, U V, W, X, Y, Z

The French alphabet:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, I, J, K, L, M, N O, P, Q, R, S, T, U V, W, X, Y, Z